Sunday, July 02, 2006

Liberal Media Bias, Conservative Media Bias, Media Bias

Scary times! Global Warming, Corruption in the Government, Terrorists blowing up American cities, by the handful, new tapes from Bin Laden, Nukular war with N. Korea, Iran, the EU...

Scary times, indeed.

But you want to know what? There's another, possibly bigger scary monster hidden from us amongst all the rest.

Media Bias.

This isn't an issue about Liberal Bias or Government controlled reporting, or liars in the press corps. No, this is about the state of America's media, and what an awful state it is in.

Maybe someone can correct me if I'm off by a year or two, or even an administration or two, but it doesn't really matter how or who, but what...

If memory serves me right, it was the Clinton years when we lost our respect for the media. The laws that we once held so valuable we the media bias laws that required the press to allow representatives of both sides of an issue to express their points.

Look back even further and you will see that in the 80s America's Media was getting into sensationalization of the news. If it's not sensational, don't bother with it.

Today, we have numerous shows that claim to be "news" that have a known bias and some even have numerous books, websites, and magazine articles that expose their lies on a regular basis. These whistle blowers don't seem to help because the stations continue to spew their lies.

"So, what's the problem?", you say. Well, in Saddam's Iraq, or even in Stalin's Russia, the people knew better than to believe the government media. But, America has been so used to being able to believe our news sources, that we still think we can believe them.

How can we become "United and Strong" again as a country if we all listen to and believe our own news outlets and none of them are required to be honest? We will all become less tolerant and more angry at those stupid people on the other side that can't see how obvious a decision or solution is.

Today, we have a serous problem on our hands, and it'll only continue to worsen. The only solution is to restore truth in the news media and remove sensationalism from the format.

Take a look at the people that are trying to save America and consider joining and contributing to these organizations that are trying to restore integrity to our media. This issue will be too little too late if we wait another year. Act now. Check out the petitions and join up.


At 10:02 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, I didn't realize how bad this has gotten until you brought it up. Way to go.


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