The TPP is a bad legacy for Obama.
Congress just Fast-Tracked Obama's
authority on the TPP, the trans Pacific Partnership.
House Ways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp (R) and top Senate Finance Committee members Max Baucus (D) and Orrin Hatch (R) on Thursday unveiled the Trade Priorities Act of 2014 that would require a simple up-or-down vote on major trade deals without the opportunity to offer amendments to pertinent bills.
This is an awful trade agreement that has a
lot of opposition. And, justifiably so. This is bad for America on many levels.
Congressional Democrats have once again expressed opposition to efforts by the administration of President Barack Obama to push the controversial 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact.
One thing that has me puzzled is why Obama wants to pursue this.
The TPP is a bad idea for Obama. This kind of legislation will hurt America and will affect how Obama is viewed for generations to come.