Friday, January 17, 2014

Republican Voters are a Cult

The Cult of the Republican Party

There is just no getting around it, the Republican voters are a cult. They exhibit all the typical symptoms of cult followers.

  1. They refuse to change their mind regardless of the facts.
  2. They die and allow their neighbors and kids and grandkids to die for the cause
  3. The do things against their own values
  4. They ostracize and excommunicate detractors

The list grows and is very sad. Will they ever wake up?

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Right to Work for Less States

It is tragic to see the states who are saddled with the anti-worker legislation called, "Right to Work."

Nevada is a "Right to work for less" state and they are the lowest in most indicators around the entire nation. It is not a coincidence. Right to work, makes for lower wages, worse working conditions, higher rate of industry injuries, poorer communities... The list just goes on and on.

Visit the AFL/CIO for the details of Right to Work for less.

No More Wal-Marts

The citizens of Sparks, Nevada are opposing the building of a new Wal-Mart in their community.

It's nice to see people standing up and making it plain that we don't approve of Walmart's business model. I won't repeat the long list of reasons to oppose a Walmart in your community.

But, let me suggest that you join some of those groups out there rather than waiting until they start building on in your backyard before you act.

There are numerous sites on the Internet where you can join others.

Obama and the TPP

The TPP is a bad legacy for Obama.

Congress just Fast-Tracked Obama's authority on the TPP, the trans Pacific Partnership.
House Ways and Means Committee Chair Dave Camp (R) and top Senate Finance Committee members Max Baucus (D) and Orrin Hatch (R) on Thursday unveiled the Trade Priorities Act of 2014 that would require a simple up-or-down vote on major trade deals without the opportunity to offer amendments to pertinent bills.

This is an awful trade agreement that has a lot of opposition. And, justifiably so. This is bad for America on many levels.
Congressional Democrats have once again expressed opposition to efforts by the administration of President Barack Obama to push the controversial 12-nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade pact.
One thing that has me puzzled is why Obama wants to pursue this. The TPP is a bad idea for Obama. This kind of legislation will hurt America and will affect how Obama is viewed for generations to come.