Examples of Hate Speech
In the wake of the latest Conservative Hate Crimes and Conservative Mass Murders at the Sikh temple in Oak Creek, WI, it has to be time that we as a nation started to combat the hate speech fueling this hatred and these Conservative Hate Group crimes.
See another great post on the Conservative Hate Speech at JustSayWhy.
As always, there'll be plenty of Conservatives who will get their feelings hurt by me calling conservative hate crimes as conservative hate crimes, but you can't deny it any longer no matter how hard to try to keep your conservative head in the sand. Your Republican party is the cause for all these hate crimes. Your Republican party is spewing hate speech at every opportunity and look what is happening.
Just a few examples of recent hate speech coming from the Republican Conservatives:
Michele Bachmann
Ann Coulter
Peter King's Muslim Trials
Rush Limbaugh
The most telling fact showing the root of the problem is the numerous reports out warning about the growing Conservative Hate Violence are all so denied by the Conservatives but they are totally unable to disprove the problem. All they do is deny it and continue to allow it.
And one last point. This blog gets many comments accusing us of being hateful, but can provide no examples or proof. Yet, these same people support a party that is truly involved in promoting hate. Can they really not see the hypocrisy?
Loved your post. But, really now, does anyone really think the Republican care in the least who gets hurt while they and their owners get rich?
Some hate speech from Bob Anderson of Freeland, MI, calling children retarded looking. He is trying to get into politics and should probably be stopped. I think he is trying to work for Ken Horn while he runs for Senator Roger Kahns seat in 2014.
He also has a picture of himself in black face. http://s28.postimg.org/u8o2fgbbx/603016_688404814506098_1283917292_n.jpg
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