Putting The Monster Back
So, what if, let’s just say, what if your favorite social club was hijacked my a bunch of nuts. Look at the Open Source initiatives where selfless wizards spend their personal time developing and releasing quality software for the world to use. This group has been joined by a large faction of developers that many refer to as radical.
This infusion of new blood invigorates the Open Source movements, but the old masters watch the new rebels closely. The old party says the new radicals are great as long as we can keep them in check.
I suppose that this his how the Republican party felt with the religious zealots adding a new enthusiasm to the club. The old guard felt all was well as long as they could keep the new monsters in check. Well, I would say that it is obvious by now that the monster is out of control and many in the Republican party feel that the GOP no longer represents their beliefs as a whole. The new blood was great for stirring up excitement and enthusiasm, but now what do we do?
Does the American majority really believe like Kansas does in that the world is flat again, and there’s no such thing as evolution? Of course not, but now, now do we put the monster back in the cage?
The important question at this point is whether it’s too late to put the monster back. Can the real American conservative group regain control of the party or do the radicals have total, unrelenting control?
By far, the majority of conservatives that I talk with feel concerned. Where can they go? They feel turning liberal would be admitting their values were wrong. However, leaning towards the new Republican Lite politicians such as Ms. Clinton, may be an option.
Many Democrats feel that their positions were and are still correct, but in order to keep America working, moving to the center may be worth considering – at least temporarily.
Many more feel that the country has moved much too far to the right as it is and oppose any further move in that direction.
Will the bulk of the Republican Party give up on putting the monster back and just move on? Will the majority of the Democrats move to the center for the sake of the country? Does Hillary really have a chance at advancing her agenda by playing to the middle?
Stay tuned. . .